I’m Olivia (she/her) - a Relationship Coach, Counsellor, and a Psychosexual & Relationship Therapist in training.


I’ve been a coach and NLP Master Practitioner for 20 years and more recently, a counsellor for the NHS.

I’m nearing the end of my training to be a Psychosexual & Relationship Therapist with the London Diploma and a student member of COSRT, the professional body whose principles, policies and ethics I follow. I also work with a supervisor to make sure the service I offer you is as good as it possibly can be.

I’ve completed over 250 hours in clinical placements and am still working at 56 Dean Street in Soho, London, part of the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust. I am also CRB checked, GDPR compliant, and hold professional indemnity insurance.

The different approaches I bring allow me to be flexible and creative, so you get the support you need most in our sessions.

My aim is to help you develop the confidence, knowledge and self-awareness that puts you in the driving seat of your emotional, sexual and intimate life.

If you want to feel like you know what you’re doing in relationships and express yourself and your needs authentically, let’s work together to get you there. You aren’t broken. You don’t need fixing. It’s simply time to do things differently.

My commitment to you:

As far as is possible, I promise to:

  • treat you as an equal and with respect – and welcome your respect in return.

  • be mindful of my privileges as a white, heterosexual, cisgendered, able-bodied woman and check any unconscious biases. This involves an ongoing journey of personal development, self-questioning and holding myself accountable for my own shortcomings. I aim to do the emotional labour around difference, rather than putting the onus on you.

  • help you make the kind of choices that support your health and wellbeing.

  • be a champion of your pleasure, happiness and joy.

  • listen without judgement or prejudice and create a supportive, shame-free space for you to be you.

  • help you develop the skills you need to navigate your relationships and the emotions, feelings and sensations that come with them.

  • keep our conversations confidential (unless I’m legally obliged to break that confidentiality).

  • be an advocate of playfulness, creativity and expansion.

  • maintain a safe space for you to share whatever matters to you and explore as deeply as you need to within the boundaries of my knowledge and experience.

  • help you move towards the most powerful, resourceful, fulfilled version of yourself.